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The taste of Hyogo Hokusetsu
/ The taste of Hyogo Hokusetsu / Oimatsu no Narazuke (Vegetables Pickled in Sake Lees)
Oimatsu no Narazuke (Vegetables Pickled in Sake Lees)
Additive-free pickles made in Japan and with Oimatsu sake lees.
A variety of products are available, including pickles of Japanese white melon, Moriguchi daikon, persimmon, ginger, bamboo shoots, and Kinzanji-style finely chopped black soybeans.

NAME Itami Oimatsu Brewing Co., Ltd.
TEL 072-782-2470
HOURS 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on weekdays (except the end and start of the year and public holidays)