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The taste of Hyogo Hokusetsu
/ The taste of Hyogo Hokusetsu / Shirayuki Junmai Ginjo Sake Lees (Cup Packaging)
Shirayuki Junmai Ginjo Sake Lees (Cup Packaging)
Made from sake rice produced in Hyogo Prefecture, the sake lees have a rich and full-bodied flavor.
No pressing machine is used to squeeze out the sake lees. Instead, the fermentation mash (moromi) is placed in a squeeze bag and pressed under its own weight. The resulting sake lees are soft and mild in flavor, with the aroma retained.
The carefully pressed sake lees are packaged in an easy-to-use cup. You can use them as an ingredient for various dishes such as amazake (sweet rice wine), sake lees soup, Japanese sweets, cakes, and breads.

NAME Shirayuki Foods Co., Ltd
TEL 072-775-3571
HOURS 9:00 am - 7:00 pm (except the end and start of the year)